Thank you for completing your child’s enrollment packet and tuition agreement.

Next Steps:

  1. An invoice for the deposit and fees will be sent to your preferred email address. Payment must be submitted by the due date listed on the invoice to reserve your child’s spot.
  2. Please be sure to bookmark and review the following helpful links for future reference:
    Community Handbook
    Student Form Request (any time you need to update information for your child’s file)
    Alternative PickUp Authorization (to add an adult to your child’s approved pick-up list)
    Parent Portal (password is “wildgarden”) – please find a gear list, calendars, contact information and other important details here.
    School Spirit Store
  3. View the Parent Orientation Slideshow you will find on the parent portal (linked above) before your child begins. This information will help ensure you have all you need to start the year smoothly!
  4. Join Remind for schoolwide, time-sensitive messaging.
  5. If you did not submit your child’s Medical Packet yet, please do so as soon as possible. This does require a physician’s signature, so be sure to contact your child’s PCP and email the packet to us as soon as possible.

Feel free to contact us with any questions! We look forward to welcoming your family to our community!