We are excited to welcome your child to The Garden!
Below are a few action items for all incoming families to complete before school starts:
Please visit the Parent Portal for all school-related information and updates including the calendar, a directory of school contacts, a list of items needed before school starts and lots of other helpful information. The password is “wildgarden”
Prior to your child’s first day, please be sure to join Remind, which will allow you to receive time-sensitive information directly to your phone.
Please complete and submit your child’s Medical Packet (which requires a physician’s signature). If any special conditions or allergies are present, please find and download the applicable form here to complete prior to your child’s first day of school.
Families will be invited to an orientation prior to the start of school, so please be sure to keep an eye out for that information which is forthcoming.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions!